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Fraudulent energy brokers are extorting thousands from small businesses

Contracts that hold you to bad terms

Mis-selling has become a problem for companies of all sizes across a range of sectors, and poor value contracts are one of the ways this has happened.

Brokers claim to offer the best value for money on energy deals, but in fact they use the few energy suppliers who will pay them the highest commissions.

As a result, the client does not know that they are not getting the best deal available on the market at that time, and that this information has been concealed in order to avoid revealing their true cost.

Additionally, the deals are often long term, resulting in small businesses being subjected to bad terms that causes them to be overcharged and pay unnecessary expenses.

What is the state of regulation in the industry?

Energy as an industry generates an estimated 2.25 billion per year, yet it is shockingly unregulated, as OFGEM estimates that half of the 2.25 billion comes from brokerage services.

It is impossible to ignore the magnitude of the mismanagement as there is no regulation in the industry.

For more information about our business energy claims, please contact us on 03330151197 or alternatively click the button below to start your claim.


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